Friday, April 24, 2009

Buying a Panama Hat-Here Are Some Tips

To own a Panama hat is a great pleasure for anyone. The legendary straw hat is known for their fine artistry. Authentic Panama hats are made in Ecuador from the dried Toquilla palm straws. The Panama straw hats are the most expensive hats in the world. A very fine Panama Montecristi hat can exceed beyond $ 10,000 while a Cuenca Panama hat can be affordable.
If you are going to buy a Panama hat, here are some tips, which might help you out.

Montecristi hats are the finest of all Panama hats. They straw is smoked with sulfur fumes so you will find them in natural light ivory colors. While Cuenca Panama are bleached to white or tinted to Montecristi alike colors. Cuenca hats are affordable but there are no less when it comes to quality. You will find many attractive colored Panama hats in Cuenca.

• The Panama hats are all hand woven by the master artisans in Ecuador. Do not get alarmed with the high price tag of some fine Montecristi Hats. They are the finest of all straw hats so the cost is more, but it is worth every penny.

• If you are looking for the finest Panama hat, you can do so by determining the quality of the weave. The best way is to hold them up on a light or sunlight. The fine weave will become obvious against the light. A super Panama hat will have a fine weave as compare to the rest. You can also count the rings inside the crown.

• A high quality Panama hat takes months to complete. They are soft as a silk and light as a feather.

• Panama hats mostly come with sweatbands. Better buy with one if you sweat a lot as that will prevent your sweat from contacting with the straw. If you travel a lot, guess what? The Panama hats are roll up hats. These roll up hats are easy to carry, and they come with a small wooden box to store.

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